Marsh Gibbon Preschool
Marsh Gibbon Preschool
Can you complete Megans worksheet
Megan - letter D .pdf
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Phonics sorting baskets/trays

For this activity you will need

2 or 4 baskets

Objects that represent a letter – D – Dog


                                                    P – pig and so on

This phonic sound this week is Dd so pick objects that represent that sound, although you can challenge your child with objects that they are unfamiliar with as this will embed deeper learning and promote thinking.


Before you begin ensure that you and your child are both ready with little distractions around you.


Talk to your child about how the game works and demonstrate, giving examples, such as yourself talk about the object and placing it into the correct basket.


Lay all the objects out and discuss with your child what you have.


“look at this duck” “look I can see a dinosaur, can you? 


Ask your child to place the object once you have both discussed them together in the correct basket. If your child places the object in the wrong basket, don’t worry.

Do not tell them they are wrong, talk through why it belongs elsewhere.

For example, if your child put a toy dog in the basket with the letter s don’t react but respond with questions to spark thinking and problem solving.

“ do you think the dog belong with those sounds” “I wonder if we can think about it again”


Repeat the word Dog and remind your child of the representing baskets.

Take your time together and place your focus on the phonic sound Dd. 

Have Fun Tracey 

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