Marsh Gibbon Preschool
Marsh Gibbon Preschool

 Unicef - The Rights Respecting Setting Award (RRSA)


Marsh Gibbon Pre-school have recently been acknowledged by Buckinghamshire County Council for delivering high quality practices that raise Children’s self-esteem and enable Children to make choices. As a result of this we have been selected and funded to take part in achieving an award from UNICEF known as ‘The Rights Respecting Setting Award’ (RRSA). Here is some information about the award and we will also be sending out a leaflet explaining what we will be part of.


Marsh Gibbon Preschool acheived the Level one award in June 2014.


‘The Rights Respecting Setting Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a setting’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. A rights-respecting setting not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between staff, adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils.


The RRSA is a UK-wide initiative for all children and all those working with or for children in formal education. It is being successfully implemented in all settings – Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Special Needs and Pupil Referral Units – across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


The universality of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) provides a clear link for pupils between building up their rights-respecting setting, understanding their rights and the need for children’s rights to be realised everywhere. Children and young people in rights-respecting schools develop a stronger sense of the need to act for global justice (UNICEF 2012).


For More information please see our Leaflet uploaded on this page or visit



Some of the things we do at Pre-School to ensure that the rights of children are continuously upheld



Feelings system - Each morning the Children choose an emotion picture and put it on their tray name card. Each Child’s key person will find out how their key Children are feeling and help support them if they need it or talk to them about their feelings. 


Childs choice – We respect that each child is unique. We give the child choices to help develop thier an understanding that their actions and decsions are thier own.  We also encourage children to play an active role in thier own learning, and follow thier interests for in the moment planning. 


Snack Bar – We run a snack bar as rolling snack, the children come in smaller groups to have their snack when they are ready. The snack bar opens at 9.30 and shuts at 10.30 in the morning . The children enter, take their name off the board, wash their hands and enjoy a small group snack. Then they place left over food in a recycling food bin and put their cup and bowl in a bowl to be washed up. During this time the Children are encouraged to cut their own fruit, prepare their own snack, pour their own drinks and they have an opportunity to take their time and talk as much as they want with the support of an adult. We are seeing such a huge difference in the level of interaction at snack time now.


UNICEF Rights Respecting Settings Award Level 1 Report
Level 1 Report Marsh Gibbon PS.doc
Microsoft Word document [115.5 KB]
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