Marsh Gibbon Preschool
Marsh Gibbon Preschool
Make your very own moon sand at home
To make Moon Sand.pdf
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Create your own little moveable mud kitchen!

Ingredients needed for a lovely mud pie:

  • Water
  • Compost/Mud
  • Pots/Pans


Between you can your child decide a place in the garden that allows for messy play. You could use a plastic sheet on the ground to prevent unwanted mess. Not only is your child exploring different textures, they are also secretly learning how to become the next mud master!!

Add some pots, pans, jugs and buckets anything that can hold mud! 

Allow your child to mix and measure out mud to make delicious mud pies yummy! While they create there lovely cake you could incorporate numbers, measurements and problem solving. “how many scoops will you need I wonder?”  “will all that mud fit?” 

As you allow your child to explore the wonderful world of mud, you could ask your child open ended questions. “This mud seems too thick, do we need water” “will all thick mud fit” you will encourage your child to problem solve and extend understanding of mathematical problems. 

Alongside you could add extra words for your little one to hear such as squelch, yucky, mucky, sticky.

Building and extending their vocabulary


You could also add toy car, animals and objects to extended play. 

Have fun!!!



If you don’t mind getting a little soapy, you can blow your own unique bubbles in this activity. Use bought bubble mixture or try this simple recipe.


  • Bowls 
  • Clean drinking straws – 1 per person
  • Bubble wands, soft wire or pipe cleaners
  • Bubble solution – purchased, or make one by mixing ½ cup dishwashing
  • liquid, 2 cups water and 2 teaspoons of sugar



1. Put some bubble liquid in a bowl or tray. Bought is more reliable but you can have fun making your own.

2. Start by dipping the end of a straw in the liquid and lift it out. Now, blow down your straw to make a bubble. Remember not to share straws.

3. Start by blowing gently and then gradually blow harder. Notice how the bubbles change.

4. Try different bubble wands and wire frames to create your own unique bubble and capture a snapshot as evidence!


You can find out whether bubbles float or fall. See how many bubbles you can blow, chase and catch. Try catching bubbles with wet and dry hands to see if there is a difference. Make a game of avoiding bubbles blown at you by others.

You can add food colouring to the mixture and decide who blows these special bubbles. Careful, because when these burst everyone can get sprayed with food colouring- this can get VERY messy!

Don’t suck on the straw or drink the bubble mixture


What am I experiencing today?

Talk to your child about all these different math concepts.

For example

Calculating – How much mixture do we need? Can you see any numbers on the list to tell us? 

Comparing sizes and shapes – I wonder what bubble will be big? How can we make them smaller/bigger 

Counting – How many bubbles do you think we could count? Make up large numbers to inspire counting. Do a game of number pop, can you pop 3/4/5 bubbles.

Distance – observe and make comments on how far the bubbles have travelled.

Position – observe and make comments if the bubbles have gone over/under/in between/behind

Predicting – can your child if they know what will happen to the bubbles once they float away, ask them if they know how to change the shape of the bubbles, talk to your child about the mixture ‘would this make good bubbles, how can we make it better’.


Create some song bags together
Tracey-Song Bag.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [250.8 KB]
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